The Secrets That Grapes Can Tell

  • 30.07.2021
  • Jane Doe

What’s the most important thing in any wine? The process of making? The climate? The quality of the barrel? They all matter too but still the basis of every wine is a grape variety.

Throughout the hundreds of years, mankind was able to cultivate thousands of different grapes: some of them are known across the globe and used for winemaking in dozens of countries (Merlot, Cabernet Franc), some are rare and grow only on a certain territory (they are called autochthonous varieties). Obviously, every type is unique and influences the taste of wine.

When visiting wineries in order to discover new kinds of wine for our shop, we, at Wine Russian House, stick to diversity. That’s why choosing the wines on our website you will find the most common and widespread grape varieties:

  • Merlot
  • Cabernet Sauvignon
  • Chardonnay
  • Shiraz
  • Sauvignon Blanc

What we love about them is their amazing ability to taste differently when the grapes are grown in various conditions. Merlot from the south of Russia will give completely new impressions from Merlot from France: it’s the composition of the soil, amount of sunny days, presence of the sea nearby (or its absence), mild or dry climate.

On the other hand, we love to explore new tastes. That’s how several interesting blends and wines from autochthonous grape varieties appeared in our stock. Are you the same curious? Treat yourself with one of the following types of wines:

  • Rkatsiteli (white wine with notes of apricot and buckwheat honey)
  • Saperavi (red wine with aromas of banana and black pepper)
  • Krasnostop (red wine with notes of cherry and rose hips)

Have you found your favorite grape variety? Or are you still discovering the world of wines? Which one would you want to try?

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